Is your business benefiting from search engines?
If good communication can help your business grab eyeballs, inept communication can turn your brand blurry or worse, invisible to your target audience. Advertising in its innate form, beginning commercially from print ads has applied and followed this dictum since time immemorial.
Think of a print ad or a television commercial! Note your reaction! Now, think of why you thought of that particular piece of communication and what kind of emotion the reminiscence was accompanied by. After you’ve put your brain through this menial exercise you’ll realize that ads you remembered the best are the ones that managed to strike a chord with you or gave you something to talk about. So, if the world was divided between, ads that work and ads that don’t which side would you pick? Well, the choice is obvious and yet it’s not an easy one to make. Because tastes, insights, likes, dislikes change too much, too often. So that puts advertisers in a dilemma and can put your business in jeopardy.
Such is the power of this curse that it hasn’t spared even one of the strongest medium of communication today. The internet!
In the last decade, there has been a Herculean paradigm shift as people continue to occupy every inch of the ever expanding internet space. And who are these people? Well, simply put, these people are your existing clients, your potential clients, your financers, your employees, your employers etc. And suddenly, no distance seems too far and no challenge seems too big. Except one! How do you get them to notice you?
The answer is simple and also economical. Through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), the tool that’s taken the internet marketing world by storm and helped many businesses fly! It’s the method of improving the quality and amount of consumer traffic to your website or blog. As a part of internet marketing, SEO examines what people search for, and how the search engines they use, work. Bingo! Just what the doctor ordered for your business needs. Advertising your brand has never been simpler and more economical! Well, seemingly.
What most advertisers promise you are only the tip of the iceberg, the reality lies buried deep within? How relevant are the keywords used? Is it creating successful brand awareness? Is it targeting the right audience? So in order to make your brand’s name appear in the top 5 among the million websites that are searched for and launched every day, a successful SEO campaign is the oxygen without which your brand will die a slow and painful death. Worse, it’ll be long before you realize it.
At WebNet Creatives – a leading SEO Company based in India, our experienced SEO managers have spent thousands of hours to study human behavior and reactions to words, promises etc. With our highly targeted research we have learnt why most SEO campaigns go wrong. Majority of SEO managers and executives forget that their target audience is still very human and not mechanical in their approach and that’s how they make their decisions and searches.
They aim of the managers should be to focus on problem areas related to your product or services and use blogs and other platforms for content marketing purposes so that whenever a prospect searches for a solution to one of their problems, the published contents should come first. Over a period of time, prospects would visit your website/blogs directly instead of finding you through search engines. This way you win loyal fans through search engines who may cross over as a valuable customer.