What Normal People Should Know About Real Estate Tokenization

Published on August 6th, 2022


Real estate tokenization is the process of turning your real estate property into a digital token. The benefits of tokenizing your property are many and varied, but there are also legal implications to consider. We’ll explain how property tokenization works and what legal issues may arise when you choose to go down this path.

What is real estate tokenization?

Real estate tokenization is the process of converting real estate assets into digital tokens that can be sold or traded on the blockchain. Tokenization allows owners to maintain control over their assets while allowing access to them through smart contracts. This can be useful for individuals who want to diversify their portfolios or businesses that want to invest in properties without having to buy them outright.

In short, real estate tokenization involves creating a digital representation for an asset (like land) that is owned by one or more parties. The representation would also include information about how it should be used (e.g., whether it’s being rented out), who owns it, and what kind of rights they have over its use or ownership—and this information isn’t just stored somewhere but can be exchanged between multiple parties at any time through automated processes like smart contracts on blockchains like Ethereum or Hyperledger Sawtooth Lake.

Benefits of real estate tokenization

Some of the main advantages of real estate tokenization are listed below:

  • Reduce the time to close – It reduces the time it takes to close a deal, which can be an hour or more in some cases. By tokenizing real estate, you can cut down on these delays and get your assets into the hands of someone who will use them as soon as possible.
  • Access to global investors – By tokenizing your property, in a way 1you are opening up your real estate assets to a much wider market – globally. Besides a larger pool of investors for your real estate increases liquidity.
  • Access to global markets – The largest asset class, real estate, is valued at over $400 trillion, yet fewer than 1% of it is traded online. Real estate may now be traded in global markets easily thanks to tokenization. You may engage in real estate investing operations from virtually anywhere.

How is the market for tokenized property?

The market for tokenized property is relatively new and small, but it’s growing. There are a few real estate companies that have raised money to tokenize property and there are a few companies that have already done so.

There are some companies that have traded property tokens on the blockchain, but this hasn’t yet been standardized or regulated by any governing body.

Is my property eligible for tokenization?

To be eligible for tokenization, your property must meet the following criteria:

  • Be a commercial property. This means it has to be used for business purposes and not residential or personal use.
  • Be located in a country that allows tokenization. The most common countries are the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (but there are many others).
  • Be owner-occupied by you or someone related to you (or if not owned by anyone then under your management). 
    • If there is no current owner then they must have been removed from their position within one year prior to applying. 
    • If they were removed due to death then this rule does not apply.

What are the legal implications of tokenizing my property?

  • Make sure your property is compliant with all federal, state, and local laws.
  • Ensure that your token is compliant with securities laws.
  • Check whether or not your token has been classified as a security by the SEC or some other regulatory body.

How to tokenize your property?

Tokenization is a process of turning your property into a digital token that can be traded for fiat currency or other tokens. It is one way to get liquidity for your assets, which means that you can trade them in real time and have access to the market.

Tokenization also allows you to use blockchain technology to create smart contracts and integrate with existing systems like real estate management software or loan applications.

How to turn your property into digital tokens?

We explain how to turn your property into digital tokens that can be sold or traded on the blockchain. As you know by now that property tokenization is a process by which an asset (like real estate) is made available for trade in digital format. This allows you to bypass the difficult process of selling physical assets at auction, which could take weeks or months.

The benefits of tokenizing your property include:

Increased liquidity – Tokens are more liquid than traditional investment vehicles because they have access to an entire market of investors who want them. This makes them easier for buyers/sellers alike since they’re not limited by geography or time constraints like stock exchanges would be.

Additionally, since there aren’t any middlemen involved with these transactions like banks do when selling stocks on Wall Street, there’s less chance something will go wrong during the transfer.


We’ve covered the ins and outs of tokenizing your property, but it’s still important to understand the legal implications of tokenizing your real estate. If you have any questions about the process or want more information on how to tokenize your property, we encourage you to reach out.

What Normal People Should Know About Real Estate Tokenization was last modified: August 6th, 2022 by WebNet Creatives

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